SihanoukVille, Cambodia

SihanoukVille - Future for Steng Hau

Golden Lions

Future for Steng Hau

Zukunft fuer Steng Hau e.V.

Help the Kids Help Themselves

Our organization wants to help people in Cambodia, after years of terror and war one of the poorest countries in the world, to help themselves. We support the development of the community of Steng Hau, about 30 km north from the coastal town of Sihanoukville. Our first project is to establish regular and high-quality English classes, open to all children of Steng Hau.

A school and drop in center downtown Steung Hauv.
Steng Hau is a rural fishing community, about 30 km north from the coastal town of Sihanoukville. To learn English, crucial to their future employment prospects, the children of Steng Hau would need to leave their families and their villages. Still-fragile family structures, only now recovering from destruction by war and terror, would be torn apart once again.

Thanks to.....
The Flying Seagull Project
for coming to our school for 3 days,
teaching us great clowning skill,
and giving a GREAT performance!!!

You're welcome back anytime,
even if it's just for relaxing and fishing in beautiful
Steung Hauv.

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