SihanoukVille, Cambodia

SihanoukVille - Khmerita

This Place has moved or is no longer in SihanoukVille.  Ashee Shee.

Golden Lions
Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.


Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop





Meat Seller - Sandwich Shop. Italian Market

Downtown. Across from the Vietnamese Consulate
Sandwiches from $3

Other Services
Butcher Shop
Cold Cut / Italian Salami
Delicatessen /..Sandwich
Market Italiano

Tel: 093 227 432
e-mail: [email protected]

khmerita è una società nata nel 2013 con sede a Sihanoukville.

Si occupa della lavorazione del maiale seguendo la tradizione italiana. khmerita è specializzata nella produzione di vari tipi di salsiccia, pancette semistagionate ottime per le colazioni e pancette tese, porchetta, prosciutto e arista arrosto e salami toscani tipici di vario genere.

potete trovare i nostri prodotti nei supermercati Samudera, Orange e Lucky Ocean. Per ordini superiori al kg potrete acquistare i prodottii direttamente da noi in macelleria. facciamo consegne a domicilio. per ordini chiamare 093227432

Khmerita is a company founded in 2013 with headquarters in Sihanoukville.

deals with the processing and transformation of pork following the Italian tradition. Khmerita is specialized in the production of all kinds of sausages, seasoned bacon for breakfast and seasoned bacon for carbonara, porchetta ( roast pork) flavored with Mediterranean spices, roasted ham, roast loin and typical Tuscan salami.

you can find the products khmerita in supermarkets Samudera, Orange and Lucky Ocean. For orders exceeding 1 kg can purchase products directly from us at the butcher. we make home deliveries. for order call 093 227 432

Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Khmerita Italian Butcher and Sandwich Shop in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

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